Here at Nightingales Golden Care we have been regularly testing for asymptomatic cases of Covid-19 within in our staff. This weekly PCR testing has allowed us to identify symptomless cases to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 between staff and service users.
Based on SAGE Social Care Working Group advice, and as per the updated guidance for Health and Social Care from Wednesday 16th February, we will be switching from weekly PCR testing to daily lateral flow tests. So instead of PCR testing on a Thursday we will be asking staff to conduct a lateral flow test each day before they start work.
The introduction of pre-shift rapid lateral flow tests should help to identify and isolate positive cases more quickly than waiting for PCR tests to return from the lab, providing even better protection.
We will be supplying staff with enough lateral flow tests to enable all staff to undertake a pre-shift, at home lateral flow test for everyday that they are working.