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Meet The Team: Sam

Hi my name is Sam and I am the Care Manager here at Nightingales Golden Care.

Most people recognise my black Nightingales Golden Care branded car that I drive around the city, making sure that the service is running smoothly. I also hold the On-call phone the majority of the time, so staff and service users will usually speak to me if they call out of hours.

I have been working with Nightingales since 2008 and have worked my way up from Carer to Care Co-ordinator and Care Manager. My favourite thing about care is that every day is different.  If you want to read more about my journey in Care I was featured by the Work in Social Care #MadeWithCare Campaign.

I have achieved my NVQ 2, 3 AND Diploma level 5 in Health and Social Care as well as ‘Train the Trainer’ qualifications in Medication; Moving and Handling and End of Life care Provision.  My most memorable moment in care was being a finalist at the 2010 Hampshire Care Awards.

I jokingly say that I have no time for hobbies as I am too busy, but I enjoy travelling and look forward to my well-deserved holidays as it’s the only time I switch off from my work.

I spend a lot of my working day organising and re-organising staff rotas, ensuring all of our visits are covered and answering the on-call phone but I still go out every day visiting service users and covering additional calls when needed.


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